
Customer: any professional, capable natural person within the meaning of articles 1123 et seq. of the French Civil Code, or legal entity, who visits the Site which is the subject of these general terms and conditions.

Services: Esekai.agency provides Customers with:

Content: All the elements constituting the information on the Site, in particular text, images and videos.

Customer information: Hereinafter referred to as “Information”, it corresponds to all personal data potentially held by Esekai.agency for the management of your account, the management of customer relations, as well as for analysis and statistical purposes.

User: Internet user connecting to and using the aforementioned site.

Personal Information: Information allowing, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of individuals to whom they refer, in accordance with Article 4 of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978.

The terms “personal data”, “data subject”, “processor” and “sensitive data” have the meaning defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: no. 2016-679).

Website presentation

In accordance with article 6 of French law no. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the Esekai.agency website are hereby informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring:

This site is published by EURL ESEKAI, with a capital of €2,000.00, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 947 933 834, and headquartered at 62 rue de Ponthieu, 75008 Paris.

VAT number : FR37947933834.
Phone number : +33 6 98 41 48 15.
Contact e-mail address : contact@esekai.agency.

All images, photographs and illustrations on this site are either copyright-free or the exclusive property of EURL ESEKAI.

Host :

The Site is hosted by Webflow Inc.

The head office is located at: 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103, United States. 

Phone number : +1 415-964-0555
Contact e-mail. address : contact@webflow.com
Website : https://webflow.com.

Terms and conditions of use of the site and the services offered

The Site constitutes an intellectual creation protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code and applicable International Regulations.

The Customer may not under any circumstances reuse, transfer or exploit, for his own account, all or part of the elements or works of the Site.

Use of the Esekai.agency site implies full and unreserved acceptance of the general conditions of use set out below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time. Consequently, users of the Esekai.agency site are encouraged to consult them regularly.

This website is normally accessible to users at all times. However, Esekai.agency may decide to interrupt the site for technical maintenance. In such cases, users will be informed in advance of the dates and times of the intervention.

The Esekai.agency website is regularly updated by the Esekai.agency team. Similarly, the legal notices may be modified at any time. It is important to note, however, that these modifications are binding on the user, who is invited to consult them frequently for further information.
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