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What sets Esekai apart from other communications agencies is that we don't have ready-made formulas. Every project is tailor-made. We're here to send your creativity to the moon and beyond!
Why is it best to entrust social network management to a professional?
Specialized expertise : Like astronauts trained for complex space missions, social networking professionals have specific skills in content strategy, marketing and trend analysis.

Time saving : Effectively managing social networks can be as time-consuming as preparing a mission to the moon. By delegating this task to an expert, you can concentrate on other aspects of your business.

Engagement and interaction : A professional knows how to engage your audience and interact with them constructively, just as a rocket must follow a precise trajectory to reach its destination.

Analysis and adaptation : Thanks to advanced analysis tools, an expert can measure the performance of your campaigns and adapt them accordingly, just as scientists adjust the parameters of a space mission to obtain the best results.
Why choose Esekai over a communications agency or freelance community manager?
Integrated expertise : Like a space mission requiring perfect coordination between different specialists, Esekai brings together all the skills needed for optimal management of your social networks, offering a synergy that few freelancers or agencies can match.

State-of-the-art technology : Just as rockets use the most advanced technologies to reach outer space, Esekai uses cutting-edge tools and techniques to maximize your online presence.

Ongoing commitment : Like the teams that continuously monitor lunar missions to ensure their success, Esekai is committed to monitoring and optimizing your campaigns in real time, guaranteeing consistent, high-quality results.
Why is it best to entrust social network management to a professional?
It's a bit like asking an astronaut to pilot a rocket rather than a pastry chef. At Esekai, we're professionals in the digital space. There's no room for guesswork! Our community managers and photographers are intergalactic experts in their field.
They use the most advanced tools and the latest innovations to propel your social networks to heights worthy of a successful space mission.
By entrusting your social networks to our pros, you can be sure of results as attractive as an Earthrise from the Moon. Our experts leave nothing to chance, offering you optimum management to ensure that your networks shine like a star in the digital galaxy.

So, ready to take off with Esekai? 🚀


Our rates are competitive and fair, with no fees or surprises. Our support is as solid as the crust of the moon. Your needs are always taken into account. By investing in our services, you can expect significant results in increased visibility that contributes to your company's long-term growth and success.

Why choose Esekai over a traditional communications agency?

A conventional communications agency will charge similar services at a price ranging from €2,000 to €10,000/month depending on the agency's prestige. At Esekai, we offer high-quality services at unbeatable prices.Find cheaper than us? It's a real challenge! 😎


At Esekai, we offer: photo and video shoots worthy of a space mission; writing publications for several social networks, like coordinating a constellation of satellites; sponsoring content to maximize your reach, like a rocket reaching new galaxies; managing Google reviews, to maintain an orbit of trust around your brand.


All our experts are Esekai employees, no freelancers with us! So what? It's really important. Like the engineers and astronauts on a space mission, we control the quality of our production from A to Z, thanks to our know-how. We can place this or that community manager according to his or her area of expertise, just as we would choose the right pilot for a lunar mission.
The investment is stronger when you're part of a close-knit team, evolving together from the start, a bit like a team of astronauts who train and travel together.


Internalizing these costs ultimately reduces the final cost paid by customers. How about that? A bit like reusing a rocket to reduce launch costs, we optimize our resources to offer the best possible service at an affordable price. For more information on how we work and the quality of our service, don't hesitate to contact our team - we're here to help.
How much does a freelance community manager charge?

Depending on experience level, the rate for a community manager ranges from €120/day to €800/day for the most experienced. For a senior profile, expect to pay €400 per day.


For a successful journey into the social networking cosmos, you'll need :

Hashtags and Wording strategy : Like astronauts meticulously preparing their trajectory to the moon, a community manager will take around 4 days to define a hashtag strategy, choose the right words and draw up a media plan.

Creation of Feed: Just as a rocket needs a detailed plan for its launch, the creation of a feed and media planning requires rigorous preparation.

Number of Publications and Objectives: Just as a space mission varies according to its objectives, the time and final cost depend on the number of publications you want and the specific goals of your project.

In short, to successfully navigate the social networking galaxy, it's essential to understand the costs and time involved in establishing an effective strategy.

I don't need a community manager but I'm interested in a photo shoot. Is that possible?

Think of Esekai as a space station where you can choose the modules that interest you. There's no need to embark the entire crew on a lunar mission if all you want is a superb photo of the Earth from orbit!
At Esekai, we offer you the cosmic freedom to select only the services that suit you.Need a galactic photo shoot but not a community manager? No problem!
We're here to propel you towards the stars with à la carte services, so you can explore the world of communication at your own pace and according to your needs.s.

So, are you ready for a photo shoot that will make you shine like a supernova? 🌟


Esekai won't let your brand hide in the black hole of the web.
Thanks to our SEO superpowers, we guarantee that your company will shine like a meteorite - after all, who wants to be relegated to the second page of Google?
Certainly not us!
Do you manage my reviews on Google My Business?
Think of us as your mission control team, but for Google My Business. At Esekai, we watch over your customer reviews like NASA watches over its astronauts. Whether it's stellar praise or reviews from a galaxy far, far away, we've got you covered. We give your Google My Business page a cosmic glow and respond to every review with the care and precision of a lunar mission.

Ready to see your Google reviews take off? 🌌
Where do my followers come from?
You don't need a telescope to spot them!

At Esekai, we target people who are as passionate about your business as astronomers are about the stars.
We fine-tune our targeting with the precision of a Martian mission to focus on the geographical area of your business, attracting potential customers who live close to your establishment.

In short:
We attract followers like a supernova attracts attention in the galaxy, making sure they're interested and close to you. 🌠
What is local SEO for my business? And what do you offer?
Local SEO is like propelling your business into the top positions of search engines. Imagine typing “charcuterie Paris 9ème” or “coiffeur près de chez moi” on Google, Instagram or TikTok. If your establishment is correctly referenced, it will shine like a star in the cosmos of search results.

Why is this important?

Just as a space station needs visibility in the vastness of space, your business needs a local SEO strategy to attract customers from your geographical area.
This is crucial to generating traffic to your outlet and capturing the attention of potential customers close to you.

What does Esekai offer?

At Esekai, we optimize your local SEO with Google My Business, but that's not all! We also deploy our secret techniques on social networks to get your establishment into orbit at the very top of your target audience's searches.

Conclusion : With us, your business won't be a lost star in the galaxy, but an eye-catching supernova! 🚀

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If you're looking for a team of marketing, web design or design superheroes, you've come to the right place!

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